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Welcome to RetireCo's Agent page where you can learn more about our model, reach out to us with any questions or schedule a time to speak with one of our team members.


Please register below for instant access to our free All-in-One Dashboard and CRM System.


What makes RetireCo different?  Most marketing and lead generation systems touted by our industry make huge promises and deliver little results.  The main reason that these systems fail is that they lack an overall solution that delivers what an insurance agent really needs. You need the ability to both generate consistent lead flow and manage and convert that lead flow on an ongoing basis.


Meet Lead Flow, a comprehensive solution to integrate your entire business into an intuitive All-in-One dashboard delivering exactly what an insurance agent needs. 


Easily add leads based on your budget, preferences, product lines and selling style into your sales funnel with the click of a button.  This can be done from an easy-to-use online dashboard, opposed to needing several different companies to help you set up these services causing massive confusion, wasted time and a lack of integration.


Use technology to communicate effectively and consistently with all of your leads.  You can use your dashboard to automate communications through email, text message, e-newsletters, social media and ongoing phone calls to help maximize results.  This ease of use will drastically increase the number of touch points with your prospects and in turn increase your sales.



Elevate your results today, with a proven system that will help provide you with instant infrastructure to stay in touch with every relationship that you have.  Couple that with access to over 500 top-rated carriers across all product lines and you will see business flowing on an ongoing basis.  Our solution is not a "one size fits all" model, but rather provides flexibility to customize everything you need.  Register now to get in touch with your dedicated Business Consultant who will help build a customizable plan for you.



Register for a webinar with our Founder, where you'll see a demonstration of our dashboard and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Schedule a call at a time that is convenient for you and speak with a recruiter about what opportunities at RetireCo might be the best fit for you.

Review our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our business model, the opportunities to work with our company and our processes. 

Watch Agent Orientation Webinar




RetireCo makes it easy for me to stay in front of my customers without doing much more than signing up for a program.



As a new agent, RetireCo provided me with more cost effective leads than anyone else.  I can stay busy everyday.



I am so excited to be part of RetireCo because I have professional tools and marketing readibly avalable to establish myself in my community.







What exactly does RetireCo do for insurance agents?

We provide the ultimate CRM platform and communication strategies for insurance agents looking to boost their business.  Additionally, agents have the option to leverage our branding solutions and access our carrier partners.


What kind of license is required to get started with RetireCo? 

All states require that the those agents soliciting insurance products have at minimum a resident life and health or property and casualty insurance license in good standing.  Most state licenses can be obtained within thirty days at a minimal cost and we do provide pre-licensing support within our agent dashboard.


If I am new to insurance why should I start a career in a services oriented business? 

Partnering with RetireCo requires very little overhead, as we provide full sales and marketing support.  As a RetireCo Partner Agent you are uniquely positioned to focus the majority of your time on sales.


Can I work with RetireCo part-time? 

Yes.  RetireCo was not designed as a part time business model due to the ongoing commitment required of each agent. However, as you start up or change careers, we do allow flexibility and part time participation is acceptable.


Do I have a set product line that RetireCo provides and regulates? 

No. You will be able to sell any product or service that you are licensed to sell.  We provide access to over 500 L&H and P&C insurance carriers and tens of thousands of products.  We do not limit the products that you are able to sell, provided they are both suitable and legal.  You may also submit a request for a specific carrier or product.


Do I have to be appointed with all of RetireCo’s carriers in order to quote their products? 

No.  Thanks to our institutional grade contracting you will have the ability to quote nearly all of our carriers prior to contracting.


Are territories assigned to each rep? 

No.  We currently do not have any territorial restrictions.  But, we will provide leads that we generate at the corporate level to the agent located nearest to the prospective client.  If multiple agents or agencies are located in the same area, new leads will be divided up equally as they are received.


If I have an existing insurance agency and my own logo and brand can I still join RetireCo? 

Absolutely.  The RetireCo Partner Agency platform is designed to be flexible specifically for agents and agencies that want to leverage all of RetireCo’s tools without adopting our brand name in their day-to-day marketing.


Can I maintain an existing carrier contract or relationship? 

Yes.  Although we encourage agents to do business with RetireCo unless they can demonstrate that a product is superior to those comparable products offered by RetireCo or an agent is receiving another benefit (such as higher commission, free leads or marketing) that are not offered by RetireCo.


How long will take to set up my account before I have access to my dashboard?

We process requests instantly online in real time.  Accounts are readily available and on-demand training can begin immediately after account set-up.  In most cases, web pages are ready for instant use and marketing can begin right away.


Do I need to have sales experience to be successful? 

No.  We provide each agent with the skill set and tools that they need to be successful. In fact, many times it is easier to teach someone a new business and sales system, rather than “teach an old dog new tricks”. 






How much does it cost to work with with RetireCo? 

Zero. You can get started immediately by simply completing our online on-boarding and registration process.


What kind of expenses should I expect? 

There are no up front or recurring fees of any kind required.  As a licensed professional you should expect to incur nominal costs to get started along with the expense of any supplies, licensing and materials related to your business practice.


How long will it take for me to start earning money working with RetireCo? 

It may take one day or one month. Ultimately your success depends on the products you are marketing and related commissions, as well as your sales ability.  You will have the opportunity to start making money immediately.


What type of commission level can I expect when writing insurance business?

All RetireCo Partner Agents earn the full maximum available percentage of street level or comparable agent commission for L&H and P&C product lines.  Effectively, if you could earn a commission with a carrier on your own as an independent agent, you will earn the same commission level or better at RetireCo.


How are my insurance commissions structured? 

RetireCo offers two commission tiers; Standard (Street Level) and Elite.  Each tier is based upon experience, earned premium and production over the previous trailing twelve months.  All commission tiers are equal to a percentage of the total gross agent commissions earned for any particular product.


Can I start at a higher commission level if I provide proof of my past production?

Yes.  For L&H insurance we will accept proof of production in the form of tax documentation, carrier commission reports or trailing twelve month production audits for consideration of an immediate commission level increase from Standard to Elite.  For P&C insurance we will accept book rollovers and additional factors for consideration of a commission level increase.  An agent’s experience, number of subagents, relationships and other factors will also be considered.


Do commission levels increase with production?

Yes.  Our agents can move up in commission tiers by simply producing new business.  At $50,001 in earned commissions our L&H agents will be placed at our Elite commission tier.  And, at $500,0001 in earned premium our P&C agents receive 75% of gross commission as high as 17.25% of premium or more.


Do I have to reapply or request a commission level increase? 

No.  We automatically increase commission levels as new commissions as earned and you enter a new tier.


How often are commissions paid?

L&H commissions are paid weekly via ACH every Friday following remittal and payment to our company for the sale of the product or service.  P&C commissions are paid typically 30 - 45 days after the effective date of the policy.  We make every effort to pay commissions as quickly as possible.


Can I maintain an existing carrier contract or relationship? 

Yes.  Our carrier contracting is truly an open architecture platform wherein you can leverage our carrier access as needed to best provide for your clients.  In order to fully leverage our CRM platform with both case management and compensation data integration it is highly recommended that you maintain the majority of your carrier contracts with RetireCo.


Who owns the book of business?

You own the book of business provided you are licensed and in good standing with the corresponding carrier.


How are commissions paid on supplemental or employee benefit products?

Once you establish a benefits platform for a company or organization you will generate commissions in accordance with your commission tier from the sale of all insurance and related products to members/employees, provided you are licensed to sell said products.


Do you have a release policy?

No.  We will release any agent immediately upon request, provided a) the agent is in good standing, b) the agent does not have any outstanding chargebacks or pending business, c) such a release is permitted by the corresponding carrier or partner.




How often are L&H commissions paid?

Commissions are paid via ACH each week on Friday following remittal and payment to our company for the sale of a product or service.  We make every effort to pay commissions as quickly as possible and remit payments as soon as possible after receipt.


Are residual and renewal commissions paid in the same manner?

Yes.  All commissions received in a any given week are paid via ACH of Friday.  This includes all forms of commission payments.


Are my renewals vested?

Yes.  All residual and renewal commissions are vested day one.


Where can I see my L&H commission levels for each L&H product?

The majority of our L&H carriers and products are searchable using our Product & Commission Search Tool within each agent’s dashboard.  Commissions are set by each corresponding carrier and are subject to change.


Are commission advances available for any products?

Yes.  We have a number of life and health products that offer commission advances from 6 to 9 months (50% - 75%).  Most products and their corresponding advance information are searchable from within each agent’s dashboard.


Does RetireCo have any holdback on advanced commissions?

No.  We remit full payment of any commission advance in accordance with the carrier's schedule.


Can I participate in carrier incentive trips and awards?

Yes. Established producers will have access to additional benefits and the majority of carrier trips and incentives.


Can I set up a beneficiary to receive ongoing commission due to me?

Yes, provided the carrier requests this information and provides an opportunity to support this type of ongoing commission arrangement.




How are my P&C commissions paid?

All P&C commissions are paid directly to you from our digital wholesaler, InsureZone.  If you have opted in for ACH Direct Deposits, you will receive a deposit no less than once per month. If you have not opted for Direct Deposit, commissions are processed and checks are issued once per quarter.


When will I receive my P&C commissions on sold policies?

Commissions are typically paid 30-45 days after the effective date of the policy. This is true in most instances regardless of when or how your customer made their premium payment to the carrier. We then cut checks on a weekly basis and you will be paid once each month for all commissions due. We apply cash from most carriers via an electronic commission statement download the same day that the statement is received. We typically make payments to agents about two weeks after we receive payment from the carriers and have applied the cash.


Do you charge brokerage fees or do you allow my agency to charge fees?

No. We have never charged brokerage fees on the policies we sell. Certain states allow agencies to charge a brokerage fee. Our P&C Producer Agreement states that if you decide to independently charge a brokerage fee, you will abide by all state insurance laws and will provide the required disclosure and will obtain the needed customer authorization, signatures and acknowledgement regarding fees charged.


Who owns the book of business?

You own the business by way of contract as clearly defined in our P&C Producer Agreement, which you are asked to sign.


If I lost an appointment due to volume requirements, can you roll my book of business?

Yes. We have a simple process in place that requires minimal information from you or your customer.


If I have an existing direct carrier appointment, can I maintain that relationship?

Yes, absolutely.  Our “Best of Both Worlds” platform allows you to maintain any existing carrier relationships, while quoting additional carriers side-by-side.  Effectively, this means that you can never earn less working with RetireCo than you would on your own with direct-to-carrier relationships.




What are the licensing requirements to refer business to RetireCo?

There are no licensing requirements to refer business to RetireCo.  We offer referral fees in most states for the vast majority of products and services that we offer.


What type of referral fee can I expect when referring customers?

We provide all referral fees in accordance with the NAIC Producer Model Act based on the state of sale for non-licensed agents.  While referral fees vary from product-to-product and state-to-state we make every effort to maintain competitive compensation as high as 15% of the commissionable revenue typically generated by an insurance agent.  Licensed agents may also choose to refer business or participate in joint cases, earning as much as 30-70% of total commission.  


How often are referral fees paid?

Referral fees are paid via check or EFT no less than once per month following remittal and payment to our company for the sale of the product or service.  We make every effort to pay referral fees as quickly as possible.


If I start out referring a product line, but change my mind later how soon can I start selling?

Right away.  We provide access to both pre-licensing and training directly through your dashboard under the Support tab.  We are also happy to work with you and answer any questions that you may have along the way in order to bring you up-to-speed and ready to sell any product.


Can I sell or refer products and services in multiple states?

Yes.  We have dedicated product and service offerings available in every state.  Product and carrier availability varies in each state.  You have the ability to refer all business for a particular product line or refer on a case-by-case basis, whether it is a product you are unfamiliar with or the client is located in a state you are not licensed in.




What specialized insurance products can I offer businesses?

We provide a full suite of supplemental benefits solutions for business owners and their employees.  These products are offered via a revolutionary customized portal designed specifically for each business.  Within each portal, you as an agent can toggle on/off the products to offer and how employees are able to purchase each product from you.  We also offer traditional group products across all lines.


Are there specific products and services that can I provide business owners?

Yes.  In addition to commercial lines and surety bonds on the P&C side, you can offer a variety of L&H solutions to each business owner. We offer executive bonus plans, retirement planning, estate planning and much more.


How much can I earn referring RetireCo's Living Trust preparation services?

RetireCo Estate Planning, LLC. offers a one-time referral fee of no less than $375.00 for all Living Trusts referred to us with a completed worksheet and full customer payment.


How much can I earn selling Identity Theft Protection products?

Through our partnership with ID360, LLC, we offer a full commission schedule for each of our Identity Theft Protection packages for individuals and couples.  Commissions range from $1.00 - $4.00/month to $10.00 - $40.00/year based upon the package and subscription term.




Can I refer agents to RetireCo?

Yes.  You can access our Refer-an-Agent tool directly from within your agent dashboard.  In a matter of seconds you can send a custom link to any agent that you’d like to refer to us.  If they register to join RetireCo we will provide you with a small override ongoing based upon their production, provided you are both in good standing.


Does it cost anything to refer an agent?

No.  You are welcome to refer as many agents as you’d like at no cost to you.


Do I have to recruit agents?

No.  RetireCo will never ask you to recruit an agent.


Can I add sub-agents?

Yes.  We have dedicated proprietary solutions designed for downline recruitment and agent placement within your hierarchy.  You can add a sub-agent for a particular product line or niche market and we can even assist with recruitment of a sub-agent if you would like.


How does the sub-agent program work?

Ultimately you decide what you will provide to your sub-agents and what override commission you would like to earn on their business.  Provided your sub-agent agrees to the terms that you select, they will be placed into your hierarchy.  At that point, you will be able to track their activity, leads, sales, commissions and more from within your dashboard.


Does it cost anything to add a sub-agent?

Yes.  We charge $9.99/month for each sub-agent that you add to your hierarchy.  This is designed to provide some level of quality control and you are welcome to pass this cost on to your sub-agents should you choose to do so.  


Does RetireCo manage the commission payments and accounting for sub-agents?

Yes.  We manage sub-agent commission payments, percentage splits and referral fees. Each agent and sub-agent will receive their pre-determined share of every earned commission directly from RetireCo via ACH.


Do I need to be licensed in each state where I have a sub-agent?

Yes.  In order to receive commissions you must be licensed in the state where each commission is generated.  Some exceptions may be permitted; however, it is our policy that all agents are licensed in all states where they receive commissions.



Do you provide access to a CRM system?

Yes.  RetireCo provides all of our agents with free access to our proprietary client management system within their dashboard.  You can even import all of your contacts in a matter of minutes from your existing email accounts, smartphone contact list, LinkedIn contacts, alternate CRM platforms and spreadsheets.  P&C agents can add additional CRM tools for customer management, re-quotes and more.


Can you help me contact all of my existing network and client database?

Yes.  Our professional marketing team has decades of experience reaching out to existing networks, customers and clients on behalf of our agents.  Our marketing team can help communicate with your existing network through direct mail, professional telemarketing, email and social media.  Our top agents typically conduct a campaign within their first few weeks working with us and then continually drip on their network.


Can I use my own CRM system?

Yes.  You are welcome to use any CRM that you would like.  However, RetireCo currently only supports integrations between our proprietary platform and Redtail on a limited basis.


Do you offer pre-approach letters and scripts? 

Yes.  We have an evergreen online library of pre-approach materials for outreach to various client and prospect types, niches and verticals.  These materials are designed for delivery in multiple forms; phone scripts, email templates, social media posts, mailing campaigns and more. 


Do you offer marketing and promotional materials to help promote my new RetireCo affiliation?

Yes.  You have the ability to instantly launch email marketing and social media marketing within your dashboard.  You also have the option to access digital collateral materials online and either print them on your own or place an order for professionally printed materials delivered to you from our Corporate Store.


Are there product specific marketing materials available? 

Yes.  We provide online access to product specific materials for use by both agents and consumers within your dashboard.  You can also access sales pieces, consumer marketing materials and more within your dedicated dashboards for L&H and P&C.  As a RetireCo Partner Agent you are also permitted to use carrier approved marketing materials from any of our hundreds of carriers.


Can you help me with customized marketing materials? 

Yes.  Our marketing team has developed a vast number of custom marketing pieces over the last two decades.  If you have a specific request it can be submitted instantly through your dashboard.  Our team will provide with you with a creative brief and an estimate of any associated costs.  Keep in mind that it is likely that we have an existing piece or template we can leverage to create your custom marketing materials.



Does RetireCo provide any free leads?

Yes.  However, these leads are extremely limited, not guaranteed and will not be sufficient to keep you busy.  As RetireCo generates leads organically through our national marketing efforts, we distribute those leads evenly to the agents that are closest to each prospective lead.


Does RetireCo sell leads?

Yes.  We do provide access to a number of lead vendors that integrate with our marketing and sales systems.  A number of different lead types are available across all product lines ranging from internet leads to comprehensive seminar systems.


Does RetireCo offer lead generation services?

Yes.  We offer proprietary solutions to help you generate leads using bulk email, prospecting lists and direct mail.


Is there a way to find consumer databases in my area? 

Yes.  We can provide consistent data of various consumers in your location.  Popular consumer information includes public emails, new homeowners and other public records.


Can you help me set up a referral network and establish B2B relationships? 

Yes.  Our team will try to assist you by providing the contact information for local businesses and organizations in your area.


Can RetireCo help me send out direct mail?

Yes.  We have been sending out direct mail for decades with fantastic results.  Direct mail remains one of the tried and true marketing approaches that is both trackable and measurable.  Direct mail is available for a variety of products and most budgets.  Direct mail campaigns start around $250 per mailing, but most agents will spend in excess of $1,000 per mailing.


What about traditional advertising? 

RetireCo can help you place an advertisement in your local newspaper, buy banner ads and even launch both indoor and outdoor advertising campaigns.  Our experienced team can also assist with signage, public relations and more.



What digital marketing solutions are available to agents? 

We provide every agent with a RetireCo webpage that can be customized or upgraded right from your dashboard.  We also offer social media marketing, email marketing, lead generation, online advertising, digital press releases and much more.


Can I recommend or sell insurance products directly on my RetireCo webpage? 

Yes.  As long as you have an insurance license in good standing you may recommend, solicit and sell insurance products online as long as it is permitted by the carrier.  For a growing number of our products we offer direct-to-consumer sales options with full commissions.


Can I add a link to my webpage for an existing social media profile?

Yes.  We provide agents with the opportunity to link to their social media profiles.  You can also subscribe to our Professional Facebook Page service and we will handle everything for you.  If you’d like to link to another page or website just let us know and we will try to accommodate in a timely manner.


Can I provide my webpage to another organization to offer to their customers?

Yes.  We encourage you to do everything you can to promote your webpage and all of our valuable products and services.  


If I have a business or organization that would like to promote my business can I provide them with a webpage?

Yes.  Our proprietary business benefits portal can be fully customized for a variety or organizational types.  We provide the template and you can customize with the organization’s logo, color scheme and product selection.  We also have niche templates available for a growing number of business types.


Does RetireCo assist with online advertising? 

Yes.  RetireCo’s marketing team can help you with banner ads, Facebook advertising, Google Adwords, SEO, white papers and other online lead generation.  You can request assistance technical support directly from the HELP menu in your dashboard.


Can I do email marketing? 

Yes.  We have a number of resources available to help you market to your community via email.  A number of these tools integrate directly with your dashboard and include templates and bulk email functionality.


Does RetireCo offer an e-newsletter? 

Yes.  We have an ongoing monthly newsletter that you can sign up for within your dashboard.  Once you sign up you can either send the newsletter to your entire database or select recipients.


Can I send text messages from my dashboard? 

Yes.  Provided you have permission to send a text message, you are able to select recipients from your dashboard and send templates or customized text messages individually or in bulk.  You can subsequently reply from your own mobile device or within the dashboard.



Who will help me get started?

Every RetireCo Partner Agent will be assigned a dedicated Business Development Consultant and Marketing & Training Liaison.  You can contact these team members anytime by clicking on the HELP menu in your dashboard.


How can my Business Development Consultant help me? 

Your dedicated business consultant will work with you on all aspects of your business acting as "quarterback" answering any questions or providing assistance.  You are encouraged to reach out to your business consultant regularly with any questions about building your business.


How can my Marketing & Training Liaison help me? 

Your liaison is your advocate and trainer that's role is to make sure you have a full understanding of everything available to you as RetireCo Partner Agent.  You are encouraged to schedule trainings and discuss marketing programs and dashboard tools with your liaison.


Will I be assigned to one single product wholesaler?

No.  We feel that only having one wholesaler that knows a little bit about a lot of products is not the best solution for our agents.  As a RetireCo Partner Agent you will have access to a dedicated team to support you.  Each member of our team is an expert in their particular product lines ready to assist you.


Will I know who to contact for each product?

Yes.  We provide each agent with a full directory of dedicated support staff.  The directory includes product specialists, case managers, underwriters, technology support, operations, licensing and contracting, as well as dedicated teams for each division of our company.  You will have direct extensions, personal email addresses and full contact information for each team member.


How do I request support at a specific time?

In addition to our full directory for each product specialist, department and division of RetireCo, you can also schedule a support call at a time convenient for you directly from your dashboard.


How do I get quotes or illustrations?

As an agent you can either request a quote and let our team do the work or run your own quotes in real time.  Within your dashboard you can use our Case Tool to access current rates, run quotes using multiple illustration software platforms and more.


Who helps me once I submit an application?

For the majority of products we offer, once you submit an application we will assign a case or application ID.  For each case you will have dedicated access to a product specialist, case manager and underwriter.  Additional support and personnel are available as needed for advanced cases, large group applications and sophisticated or unique transactions.


Can you help me obtain a new license or continuing education?

Yes.  We have partnered with WebCE to deliver nationwide pre-licensing and continuing education online directly through your dashboard.  Most courses are deeply discounted and course advisors are assigned to each agent to assist with the process.


Does RetireCo offer IT and technology support?

Yes.  Our in-house IT team provides technology support across all of our platforms.  If you ever need assistance our team will work directly with you to resolve any issues that you are experiencing.


Do you handle all of my carrier contracting?

Yes.  The vast majority of your contracting is completed online within your dashboard.  We have made the process extremely simple and you can typically add a carrier within a few minutes.  


Can I meet the support staff in person?

Yes.  There are limited opportunities throughout the year to meet both the executive team and back office support teams in person.



How is my initial training delivered?

Once you register and officially join RetireCo you will be invited to a series of training calls and webinars scheduled at your convenience.  Each training event will be focused on an individual topic.  Examples would include: Dashboard Training, Quoting and Submitting Applications, CRM System, Marketing and more.


Do you provide online training on specific products?

Yes.  On-demand video training is available 24 hours a day in each agent’s dashboard.  


How will I know when trainings are scheduled?

On Monday mornings our agents can access their weekly calendar of training events, which are typically delivered as a webinar or conference call.  Additional in-person training sessions are also scheduled and occur throughout the year.


What type of training is available?

The types of training available include RetireCo training, Carrier training, Partner training and more.  Most weeks training is available every day. 


Can I request training on a particular topic?

Yes.  We encourage all of our agents to ask questions.  If you need help with a product, marketing strategy, sales concept or anything related to your business we’d be happy to help, just ask.


Are there any regularly scheduled training sessions?

Yes.  Every Monday morning we invite all agents to attend a webinar or conference call where we address popular topics, hot trends in the industry, relevant questions and more.  You are encouraged to ask questions using the chat or Q&A tools within the webinar dashboard.


Is there any mandatory training?

No.  However, all agents must be in compliance with required state and carrier training.  We also require that our P&C agents complete a dedicated P&C dashboard training session.

General Information


t: 1-888-471-3762 

f: 1-888-869-5902


The RetireCo Companies

925 Genesee Street, #50

Delafield, WI 53018

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© RetireCo 2022. All rights reserved.

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